How Does the LG 840G Compare to the LG 800G?
This is a question that comes up a lot between different Tracfone devices, and today we will be comparing the LG 840G to the LG 800G to see how they are different, what is similar, and which makes better sense to buy.These are two prepaid phones offered through Tracfone wireless. The phones and prepaid minute cards can be found both online and in many retail stores. This comparison is aimed to provide consumers with information to make a more informed purchase.
So let's get straight to the similarities.
Similarities between the LG 840G and LG 800G:
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Click to Expand LG 800G |
- Both phones are touchscreen devices
- The LG 840G and LG 800G are similar size, with the LG 800G slightly smaller
- Both phones come with Triple Minutes for Life
- Both phones come with all the basic Tracfone cell phone features:
- Mobile web, MP3 Player, Camera
- Phone Book, Alarm clock, Voicemail etc.
LG 840G Review (opens in new window)
LG 800G Review (opens in new window)
While the two phones are fairly similar in many of the features and specs, there are plenty of differences that seperate these phones, so let's look at them.
Differences between the LG 840G and LG 800G
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Click to Expand LG 840G |
Features that the LG 840G comes with, but the LG 800G does not:
- 3G - Faster web browsing speeds
- WiFi Connectivity - Connect to and browse the internet for free with the LG 840G
- Includes 2 GB MicroSD card
- Google Maps can be installed on the LG 840G (read How to Install Google Maps)
- The LG 840G comes in white or black
So, one can see just from this list that the LG 840G is an improvement on the LG 800G in the areas of speed, internet access, and memory, but what about price? For many, price is the most important comparison when choosing between two products.
The LG 800G wins in the price comparison over the LG 840G.
The LG 840G has a retail price of $59.99, but can usually be found various places online, like Amazon, for closer to $40. A very good deal.
But the LG 800G, which typically retails for about $49.99, can be found online for much cheaper, (currently $15 on Amazon!). You can even get a reconditioned LG 800G from the Tracfone website for just $5! (But that deal might not last very long)
Thus, if you are on a tight budget, and just want a phone with Triple Minutes for Life, the LG 800G might be the best choice.
Finally, many customers found the touchscreen for the LG 840G to be a significant improvement over the LG 800G's touchscreen which can be somewhat unresponsive, especially compared with modern touchscreen phones.
LG 840G Vs LG 800G - And the Winner Is:
TracfoneReviewer gives the LG 840G the win in this comparison for three reasons:White LG 840G |
The WiFi connectivity on the LG 840G allows users to browse the internet for free, a huge bonus and money saving feature, and something the LG 800G just doesn't have.
Lastly, the touchscreen for the LG 840G is a good improvement over the LG 800G, adding the last reason why we would choose the LG 840G.
We will be doing more of these comparisons, so leave a comment with two phones you would like to see us compare! Also share this with others who might enjoy it.
We have plenty of other useful posts here, including What's the Difference between GSM and CDMA and which one is right for you, Top 3 Tracfone Cell phones, and even a list of Triple Minute for Life Tracfones.
Thanks for visiting!
The wifi is not free and deducts minutes on the LG 840g
That's incorrect. The WiFi is free and does not deduct minutes for browsing the web while connected to a WiFi network. Texting still costs the same.
I am in the process of buying a new cell phone - either the LG800G or LG840G. Why does the person get charged for his wifi? Is he accessing it in a way that results in the charge that could be avoided?
Thank you for your help!
I would suggest the LG 840G, unless you want to save money by going with the older LG 800G.
I don't know why the person above was getting charged, but it was probably user error.
When using the 840G to access wifi, if FOR ANY REASON the wifi signal disconnects, or of course can't connect in the first place (no wifi or not authorized) then it AUTOMATICALLY connects to a cell tower and deducts airtime minutes. There is no user error factor, it is by design.
It depends on the environment and situation whether you are likely to rack up minutes due to being dropped off wifi a lot.
You can prevent this by putting the phone in airplane mode so the radio is turned off, prior to starting up the browser. This will prevent cell phone radio use and minutes deduction, but wifi will still work... but then if your wifi connection is dropped you have no access at all.
Do you get a qwerty keyboard when typing in a browser field? I saw a youtube video for this phone where someone was typing something in Notes, and the ridiculous phone-pad came up instead of the qwerty keyboard that comes up for texting. The youtube user didn't show the browser because it started deducting minutes even though he had selected WiFi (I didn't see a WiFi icon appear anywhere though, so understand the deduction).
does it allow standard video files
My 840 seems to lose power even when it's shut off. I'll write a note ten shut off, at 4AM it will wake me up with the battery low message.
Thanks, Anonymous! I wondered why I was getting 'charged' with the wi-fi. I will not use the 3-G unless I have to! I am economical (i.e, cheap), which is why I use Tracfone phones in the first place. I appreciate the advice about putting the phone in airplane mode. I aslo have a question about the ID feature. Why aren't texters / phone callers identified by their name, especially when they are in your contacts list? I don't know everyone's number by heart, and hesitate to answer, sometimes.
My BIG complaint with the 800G is that the BROWSER icon was on the top right of the screen and I am always hitting it mistakenly and since there is no confirm button, it would start deducting minutes immediately, even if you disconnected right away. 1/2 min gone every time OR MORE if you didn't notice it!
Is the 840 the same way?
Can someone tell me how to move the icon on the 800??
Ok, I said that wrong. You know what I meant, right? I really don't need the internet access very often, and won't be going out of my way to use it! I still wonder about the ID feature, though. I always had it with my little old Nokia phone.
I have never accidentally opened the browser.
touch the blue arrow on bottom left side and it opens a bar. touch the browser icon, or any other that you want to remove from homescreen, then slide it down to the bar.
When messaging with My 840g, I'm sending email rather than text messages. It's obviously me..what am I doing wrong?
I have phantom images of the Notebook and Camera app on my 840G
I can move them around but how do I delete them form the main screen?
Can i download the google play store app on the LG 849g or no?
can do everything else on my lg840g, but it won't download a picture message? any ideas
Does the 840G have the same annoying locking devise on using voice mail that the LG 800 has?
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